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Showing posts from November 6, 2022

To Know Nothing Except

  I voted this week….and it left me feeling momentarily “down”. I used to feel good when I voted – I felt like I was doing something to help push things in a better direction. The world is very different now, and I don’t feel like I am working to choose good; currently it feels more like I am just trying to accept the lesser of all evils. I know that some people think that I don’t care about politics or that I don’t pay attention because I seldom, if ever, talk about it. The truth is quite the opposite. I have decidedly strong opinions on many things. Life has taught me to be very untrusting, so I have become a researcher at heart. I don’t take things at face value, and I definitely do not believe the media (mainstream or otherwise.) I don’t have blinders on thinking that the government will never lie to me. (No more than I believe a man or woman who, just because he/she is in the pulpit, is automatically speaking God’s Truth). I am very aware that “scientific data” or any other kin

It Makes No Sense

Have you ever felt gut-wrenching pain…...for someone else’s grief? Someone that I love very very much is going through an incredibly dark night – one that has no explanation and has subjected every ounce of her DNA to utter rawness. On the brink of a new life, her beloved fiancee was killed in a tragic accident. The future they had planned ended in heart-shattering grief. I think about her so much. I wake up in the night grieving for her. I get hit by waves of grief throughout the day, and each time I stop and pray for her. I pray much like Jesus prayed for Peter. At the last supper, after washing Peter’s feet, Jesus told him that satan had demanded to sift Peter like wheat but Jesus said “I have prayed for you that your faith will not fail; and you, when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.” ~Luke 22   I pray that prayer often for my loved one – that her faith will not fail, and that when she has come out of the other side of this she will strengthen others. It is all I kn

A New Mantle

 I am really tired today. The past number of nights have been strangely haunted by weird dreams and nightmares. Today’s fatigue, however, has more to do with pain and the restless sleep it brings. Last night my knees, hips, arms, back….everything had an “ouchy” feeling to it. Honestly, it was my own doing. I have been noticing that my balance is a little off (something you are more concerned about as you age), so I started two workouts to correct things. I have worked and stretched muscles and tendons and joints and ligaments in ways they are not used to being stretched. Therefore, my body is giving me some very nasty feedback about this whole venture. It was hard to get comfortable last night – there just wasn’t a good position. That’s okay, though. I plan to keep going. Balance and strength are important (especially to post-menopausal women) so I will just have to do what I have to do in order to be where I need to be. That previous statement is the attitude that I have adopted thes