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Showing posts from April 2, 2023

The Quiet In Between

  Yesterday was Good Friday. It was the day that we not only hold in remembrance but also celebrate the death of Jesus. If you’ve ever read the medical and scientific interpretation of what Jesus suffered before and on the cross, then you know how unfathomably horrible His death really was. Therefore, it seems strange to celebrate such a horrendous occurrence. But we do celebrate….because of what we know. We know that our sin is unfathomably horrible and it separates us from a Holy and Righteous God. We know that God’s Holiness demands justice, and the only justice for our sin is an eternal punishment that is also unfathomable. But Good Friday came. Good Friday is all about a man/God Who was willing to step in and take that punishment upon Himself. He shed His blood, He became the sacrifice slaughtered in our place, to redeem us back to God. If we repent and truly believe Him, then He takes our place and we become as Holy and Complete in God’s sight. Everything He suffered, everythi