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Showing posts from April 16, 2023

As Our Hearts Intertwined

  I had the privilege of meeting up with a friend last week that I hadn't seen in a while and we went for a walk together. It was the most wonderful time of fellowship in Jesus as we opened our hearts to each other. This poem came from that time. The Body of Christ is a truly beautiful thing.💕 ************************************************** I woke up again this morning With a smile upon my face And I know that a part of it Is the event that took place When we walked and talked together And shared the deep things in our hearts. We each gained a greater perspective Than the one we had at the start. For you see the thing about our Jesus Is that He’s never status quo- We all have different journeys In the ways we come to know The wonders of His Mercy And the Power of His Cross. We each have different giftedness. We are stripped by different loss. So when you share your journey And I with you share mine We gain a greater picture As our hearts are intertwin

This Is My Sanctuary

I went for a walk today Down our dirt road to Turkey Meadow. We call it that because of the 20-70 turkey That have occasionally strutted from the shadows To make their presence known. We've loved their antics And the moments when they became a whirling dervish Because they realized our presence. The crazy confusion made us laugh These silly birds that we mean no harm. There were no turkeys today But the world was not empty or silent. I strolled past a woodpecker making his presence known Much like a lineman ratcheting a pole. The echo of geese surrounded me As they twisted and turned Loud in their confusion And indecisive in their flight of where to head next. Small birds twittered in the trees Nervously moving from branch to branch And for the first time this spring I heard the flutter of insect wings near the creek. But above it all the cardinal ruled As he sat in the tree top Lustily raising his song of praise Every note strong and carefully chosen. At one po