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Showing posts from 2023

Walk A Donkey Home

  I was reading in the book of Mark again this morning, and I didn’t get very far. Only three verses actually. Mark 11:1-3 NLT “As Jesus and His disciples approached Jerusalem, they came to the town of Bethphage and Bethany on the Mount of Olives. Jesus sent two of them on ahead. ‘Go into the village over there,’ He told them. ‘As soon as you enter it, you will see a young donkey tied there that no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here. If any one asks, ‘What are you doing?’ just say, ‘The Lord needs it and will return it soon.’” I know where the story is going, but I couldn’t read the rest because my brain hit one of its rabbit trails. I instantly thought “I wonder who returned the donkey?” I think its a legitimate question. After all, EVERY promise that Jesus has made will be fulfilled, and He stated the donkey would be returned soon. Therefore I KNOW it was. But... who was this gentle soul that had the mundane, but necessary, task of walking a donkey home? Who was this


  I was reading in the gospel of Mark this morning. Chapter 10 verses 46-52 “ Then they reached Jericho, and as Jesus and His disciples left town, a large crowd followed Him. A blind beggar named Bartimaeus (son of Timaeus) was sitting beside the road. When Bartimaeus heard that Jesus of Nazareth was nearby, he began to shout, ‘Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!’ ‘ Be quiet!’ many of the people yelled at him. But he only shouted louder, ‘Son of David, have mercy on me!’ When Jesus heard him, He stopped and said, ‘Tell him to come here.’ So they called the blind man. ‘Cheer up!’ they said. ‘Come on, He’s calling you!’ Bartimaeus threw aside his coat, jumped up, and came to Jesus. ‘ What do you want me to do for you?’ Jesus asked. ‘ My Rabbi,’ the blind man said. ‘I want to see!’ And Jesus said to him, ‘Go, your faith has healed you.’ Instantly the man could see, and he followed Jesus down the road.” I have to admit my emotions are all over the board this morning on this one

The Kingdom Children

  In my studies yesterday, I came upon a scripture in the gospel of Mark that I have been pondering. Backstory: parents brought their children to Jesus for Him to bless them, and Jesus’ silly disciples rebuked those parents for trying to take up the Master’s time. Jesus actually got angry with His disciples and told them to never stop the children from coming to Him. And then Jesus said, “For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children. I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it. ” Wow!…..that is an intense statement that I have had to ponder. I began by asking myself “What are the characteristics of a child – what does ‘like a child mean’?” As I the day progressed,  I came up with what I feel are nine defining characteristics of a child. 1) Children are curious. They are often ‘getting into things’ and I haven’t met one child yet who, if I was willing to listen, didn’t have a million thoughts or questi

Really Weird

  Living this life as a redeemed spirit can be really weird. (How’s that for an opening line?) Let me explain: Because of Jesus Christ and what He has done, my spirit has been redeemed and His Holy Spirit is living within me as a guarantee.  My spirit is no longer a captive to the darkness- rather it has been ‘born again’ into the Light. AND because of God’s great love, it continues to be transformed daily as He works both His Will and His Good Pleasure within me. (This year, especially, I see differently, live differently, love differently.) Therefore, every day I carry within me a God-given joy and peace that the world cannot manufacture. I awake with joy; I eat with joy; I walk with joy; I write with joy. It is just there – put there by a loving God. Regardless of the chaos and the pain around me, I also carry an indescribable peace now. It, too, is something I cannot manufacture or pretend– it is the product of my relationship with God. However….. I still live in broken sinful

Daily Encouragement

  I fell again recently – a really bad fall. Once again I seriously traumatized my husband who watched it, and for the first few minutes we thought maybe I had broken my arm. It was after the six inch snow fall. We were bundled up and on a walk, and I was doing everything right. I was carefully watching and stepping in looser snow, staying out of the car tracks where the snow had hardened into ice in places. I even had a walking stick to help me with my balance on the uneven ground. But…..for just a few seconds I looked away from the path in front of me…..and stepped on a small patch of ice. I fell really hard. After careful manipulation and feeling the length of my arm and elbow, I was certain that it wasn’t broken. There was a LOT of pain (all the way up through my neck), but I was sure I wasn’t ‘broken’. I will admit, however, that I shed a few tears and I DO NOT cry at physical pain. This one hurt. But being a Kelley, I finished the walk, then carefully texted a few of my faithful

You Just Have To Love Peter

  I was reading Mark 9:2-8 this morning (in the New Living Translation). It is the story of Jesus taking Peter, James, and John up the mountain, and Jesus is transformed in their sight. Not only is He transformed, but Moses and Elijah appear to talk to Him. These verses raise so many thoughts and questions in my mind. But then there is verse 6, which makes me laugh. During the transformation, instead of just watching and taking it all in, Peter has to talk. He ends up saying something kind of self-aggrandizing. Scripture then explains, “He [Peter] said this because he didn’t really know what else to say, because they were all terrified.” That’s when I chuckled and said to myself “You really have to love Peter.” You Just Have To Love Peter Jesus climbed the mountain Taking only Peter, James, and John, And then something bizarre happened We call it “The Transformation”. The Lord’s appearance was transformed And His clothing became whiter than white And soon He was joi

Holy Spirit?

  I had the privilege of many hours of a face-to-face with someone precious to me this week. She lives many states away so we don’t get this often enough. She brought up a thought in our conversation that I can’t stop pondering. She asked, “Why do people not acknowledge and even completely ignore the Holy Spirit? There is almost no talk of His position or power, and He is not invited into the church life of many places.” I have been pondering this thought since she raised the question, and I think it is a very valid question. This morning I was reading in Mark 8 where Jesus is explaining to His disciples what is about to take place. Peter doesn’t like what he is hearing (@the Messiah will die) so he pulls Jesus aside and reprimands Him. The disciples didn’t want to believe their Messiah would die, so they chose to ignore what that very Messiah was trying to tell them. Then Jesus turns and faces all of His disciples and reprimands THEM. Jesus says, “Get away from me Satan! You are se

Family Rejection

  I woke up this morning and lay in the dark thanking Jesus for Who He is and His kindness and compassion toward me. I sometimes question “why?” (Not His compassion and kindness – I never question that, because that is Who He is.) My question is why did I never see it all as clearly as I do now? Why is the Word of God jumping off the pages and into my heart in ways I never comprehended or embraced before? Why have I been so blessed to know and live in what is unfolding within me? I guess I don’t need to know why – I just need to be completely thankful for what is! My conversation with the Lord and my reading in the Word this morning has had me considering the concept of rejection some more. Jesus really was rejected…..a lot. This morning, I have been more focused on how much He was rejected by His own family. Jesus’ family never had the eyes to see Who He was. I am not sure what they expected, but I don’t think He was it. While Jesus was being Jesus, His family even, at some points,

I Love The Most

  Most days I wake up before the sun And with a hot cup of coffee I retire to my home office My safe place. It is where the Holy Spirit and I Meet to talk and discuss the Word That lies open on my table. The stars outside my window Twinkle in the dark night sky; The moon shouts “Look at me! See the glory I reflect!” The house is quiet Except for the creaks and groans The quiet sighs of age. I love these moments! The Word speaks Challenging Rebuking Encouraging. The Holy Spirit speaks Teaching Refining Calming. I sit boldly at the Throne of Grace Talking Listening Hoping Repenting Surrendering. With all that I am I love being here In the Presence of my God! It is the only place Where the chaos of this world Where the questions The pain And the loss Are brought into a focus That I cannot achieve on my own. It is where life And love And hope And forever Make sense in a way That I cannot fathom by myself. It is where I sit with Jesus And am e

Fix Your Eyes On Jesus

  I absolutely love how “alive” the Word of God is. I have read and reread it over the course of my life, and yet the newness never ends – it continuously teaches and reproves and convicts and energizes and empowers as the Holy Spirit reveals through it. I am currently reading the gospel of John out loud with my husband and having discussions about it. I am also currently copying the gospel of Mark into a notebook and gleaning from its depths in that way. I am blown away at the life of Jesus and the things that I never grasped so fully before. I guess I never truly understood what a man of sorrows Jesus really was. Jesus was continuously blasphemed, ridiculed, lied about, and condemned. The world around Him was seriously “out to get Him”. Many people were offended by Him, that such a simple man (the son of a carpenter) could be performing miracles and aligning Himself with God. The religious leaders were constantly angry because He didn’t tow the line of religion as they thought He


  I am sitting here questioning why For many years I just didn’t see That You are more than a God and a Savior- You desire true intimacy with me. Yes, You are the God worthy of worship Every morning, noon, and night; And, yes, You are the stronghold I run to To carry me through this fight. Yes, You are the Lord of creation; You hold my redemption in Your hand; Yes, You are the Spirit of wisdom Who leads me to understand. But Jesus, you’re also my Brother- You share Your Father with me; Your heart towards me is more than redemption- You desire true intimacy with me. You want to hear all of my thoughts; You want me constantly at Your Throne; You want our communion so unceasing That I never feel alone; You want our hearts knit together As if You and I are one; You want to be included in everything- My pain, my joy, my fun. You are the God of the universe Yet You desire to truly be my friend- To laugh with me and cry with me In a relationship without


  The more I study the Word of God, the more I continue to be humbled and, at the same time, completely blown away by the reality of what is. As I read the Old Testament, I see where God wanted to be available to people…..and yet, it was difficult. I note that God resided in the Most Holy Place, and priests were necessary to stand in the place of the masses and enter the Holy of Holies to commune with God. Only the priests, after much purification, could enter the Presence of God on the behalf of themselves and others. There were only certain times and seasons when this access was available. I see where the Holy Spirit was, at God’s direction, poured out upon kings and prophets and those that God marked to lead His people. Wisdom and direction came through these whom God had chosen. Other times wisdom came through the casting of lots or through dreams and visions. Everything in the Old Testament seemed…..complex. But then…….Jesus! Oh,  the wonders of what He accomplished on our behalf

Wisdom And Waiting

I love the Word of God and that it is living and active. It is the gift that keeps on giving.......and convicting. This morning I read a scripture (James 1:5) that I have quoted and believed hundreds of times, BUT this morning it was the 'rest of the story' that captured me. James 1:5 If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. 6 But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. 7 Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. 8 Their loyalty is divided between God and the world , and they are unstable in everything they do. Divided loyalty? Am I really seeking wisdom from God or am I trying to combine it with the information I get from the world? Am I sitting still inside and waiting for HIS answer or seeking other sources in the meantime? Ugh!

The Final Hike?

  It is dark out as I write this blog – I have been awake since 3:00 a.m. My body hurts a lot and I have been lying in the dark contemplating our hike into the mountains yesterday. I have also been giving thanks for yesterday, and for the calm and peace I feel even though I know that was probably our final real mountain hike. For years, hiking in the mountains has been Rich and I’s “thing”. We love the beauty and stillness of the mountains and forests in Colorado and the rolling icy cold streams that scream to be waded in. We’ve even loved pushing ourselves to conquer a new and difficult trail. Yesterday, however, we almost bit off more than we could chew. Because of all the drama playing out in the world, we haven’t hiked in the mountains for four years (we’ve hiked in Kansas but that is a completely different ball of wax). In the meantime, Richard turned 78 and I had a stint in the critical care unit with my heart, so let’s just say we’ve “felt” the mountain hiking at a whole new le

Mountains, Bikers, and Bears

  It is early and still dark as I write this. I am sitting in a cabin at the base of a mountain, one of my favorite places to be. I have always loved the mountains and for years going to the Rockies has been my restoration. In fact, for many years, going to the mountains was almost a desperate choice – as if I HAD to be there to get centered. Richard and I are not “touristy” and our time is spent hiking mountains and streams, breathing in the mountain air and glorying in God’s Presence in His creation. Somehow, with everything playing out inside me, coming here has always seemed to bring me to a place of peace and joy that eluded me elsewhere. This year is different, however. Whatever the totality of this thing that God is doing inside me, this clearing away and healing of the brokenness that bound me – this year is different. This year I didn’t “need” the mountains; I was already centered when I came here. This year I brought the peace and joy with me. Don’t get me wrong – I am enjo

Jesus Stepped In

  I’ve been thinking a lot about the miracles contained in the gospels….lepers were healed, as were the infirm like the woman with the issuance of blood; the dead were raised and families restored; food and drink were multiplied and no one went hungry. We call them miracles because they are not the norm, because it took a Power greater than man can comprehend to make them happen. The gospels show us the hand of God on man. Lately, however, I have been wishing that maybe I could know “the rest of the story” (as Paul Harvey would have said.) I mean, think about it – for years you are a leper, the lowest of the low, ostracized from your family and friends, unwelcome in society; your body has betrayed you; you are broken and alone. Then One day the Son of God steps in, and you are no longer who you once were. Everything changes in that moment. You can no longer be assigned the place you once were assigned; you are now free of what has bound you for so long; your interactions change; your

Joy Loops

  I have a brother who lives many miles away in Georgia, and I have had the privilege of visiting him and his family a few times over the years. I have such sweet memories of those visits, the greatest of which is the time my brother and I spent out on his boat, just the two of us. (And then there is my brother’s cooking – he is a GOOD cook). But for this blog, I want to recall the memory of a Lazy River. I remember the day many years ago when my sister-in-law and niece took me to a large water park. The whole day was a blast, but for me the piece de resistance was the Lazy River. It was a large water park, and you were able to float in a tube on this slowing moving river of water that meandered around the park. I still remember the feeling of relaxing back into the inner tube and allowing the water to carry me slowly along. I did not have to paddle or fight – there was a source of power that carried me. The water flowing over and around me kept me cool in the heat of the sun, and the