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I was lying in the dark this morning when I felt like I had another one of those “gentle teachings of the Spirit". I had been awake for a few hours (I am starting to feel the physical fatigue of just not resting enough), but this morning I wasn’t wrestling with God, I was just drifting in thought. I began to think about forgiveness, and in the course of my thoughts something that has been a kernel of thought for a while took full bloom. I hope I can explain it at least somewhat well.

Scripture tells us that we are to forgive one another. Forgiveness isn’t a suggestion – it is a must. Ephesians 4:32 – ‘forgive as Christ forgave you’. Colossians 3:13 – the same – ‘as you have been forgiven’. I could list a myriad of scriptures on the ‘must’ of forgiving. I know from experience that when we forgive it graces us with a freedom from the bondage of sin. I have, with God’s help, forgiven some egregious offenses against me, and I have experienced what happens within me when I forgive – the lightness, the hope, the joy, the peace – all that is mine when I forgive. But this morning, I felt like I was given a piece of a revelation of what forgiveness does to God and for God.

Scripture says in Romans 8:19 “For all creation is waiting eagerly for that future day when God will reveal who His children really are.” I know from the totality of scripture that satan and his emissaries are also watching everything we do, and evil is quite interested in making us fall away from God’s grace. What I am saying here is that as children of God...we ARE being watched. And within our responses to all things lies our ability to preach to the universe about God.

I think that forgiving someone is the greatest testimony we will ever give to the universe. When one broken human is able to honestly forgive another broken human for offense, that becomes a testament to of all of creation about the heart of God. Forgiveness is the heart of God - the cross is evidence of this. So when we forgive, we have preached without a word Who God is. More than praise, more than worship, more than any works we can do – when we forgive another human, we extol the Glory of God to everything and everyone.

With all of my heart, I long for the man who hurt me when I was younger to be saved. The reason is this: to have us both redeemed and worshiping in heaven – will that not magnify God in ways that nothing else can? Won’t the universe (and the evil) have to bow in awe at the majesty of God and His power to redeem EVERYTHING? Our appearance together in heaven will show the depths of God’s greatness, His love, His truth, and His power. HE WILL BE GLORIFIED FOR THE GREAT GOD THAT HE IS!

I want God to be extolled by all that He has created. I want my existence to bring Him praise. I study His word and try to obey it, but often fail. I frequently praise Him with my lips but my words falter at best most days. However... in forgiveness, in forgiving another person, I have embraced His heart; I have emulated Him; and I have paid Him the greatest worship that I can ever give Him. When I forgive, I have declared His Glory to all watching.

I want to forgive.


  1. From Bri-
    This is one of my favorite entries to date. Amen! Let’s show the heart of our Lord by our actions! I was also struggling to forgive recently and my mind shifted from focusing on the hurt to what I was guilty of and how completely I had been forgiven. I played the harlot, turned my back on my God and was unfaithful as a bride to her Bridegroom. Truly an aweful offense. But in a moment of fear and desperation I said I was sorry and ashamed and the abundance of love and forgiveness that followed knocked my whole life on its knees. Truly the sin of the one who hurt me was nothing compared to what I had done to sin against my Lord. Truly I can gather the strength from my Savior’s own hand to forgive and show His heart to others ❤️

  2. Another example of the upside down kingdom- to find release and freedom from forgiveness....not revenge. What a great reminder and a great challenge to be in connection with God in a way where He can whisper into our heart. He can do in us in an instant what we can spend a lifetime wrestling to do in ourselves.

  3. Definitely, it’s a work of God to live in the light and freedom of forgiveness amid ongoing offenses!

    As you suggested, in a human sense, forgiveness is also about the relief and release to the one offering forgiveness.

    “Love may forgive all infirmities and love still in spite of them: but Love cannot cease to will their removal.”
    CS Lewis.

    We consider God’s love as being unconditional, but is God’s forgiveness likewise unconditional? I pray for wisdom and peace as we leave vengeance in the hands of Holy God.

    ‘If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave iti to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” . Romans 12:18, 19

  4. Thank you for these words Ruth:. Forgiveness is a must that depends on us; reconciliation is not always possible because it depends on another party also. RK

  5. Beautiful, and so timing for me today! Thank you for helping me see that this is all about God, and not us. He deserves the glory and I want to focus on doing that and not the pain I have experienced.


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