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Dancing In The Dark

  Do you ever get hit by this overwhelming desire to get up before dawn and go outside and dance under the stars? I have this desire that is growing….so one morning soon my pajama-clad figure will be out in the driveway in the dark, dancing under the canopy of God’s creation. (That’s the nice thing about living semi-isolated in the country – I wander outside a lot in my pajamas and I never worry about my neighbors. The raccoons simply don’t care.) I love being outside under the stars before the sun has even begun its appearance. I’m not good at dancing. I’m not good at singing. But somehow I think God will take pleasure in me anyway, because He'll know why I am there. Psalm 19:1 “The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display His craftsmanship.” I think this proclamation of God’s glory is never more true than the moments before and after the dawn, and I want to join in the proclamation . The beauty of the canopy that we exist under can be breath-taking in those moments
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God's Eyes

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